Therapy Services

All of DirectMed’s therapists chart out an individual, personalized home therapy plan for each patient. We also involve and educate caregivers so they can also be involved in the patient’s therapy.

We provide services that include but are not limited to Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Speech Language Therapy (SLT). DirectMed’s therapists provide treatment and instruction on home safety, balance and orthopaedic and neurological rehabilitation. Our therapists work with you to ensure that you gain increasing independence despite your medical condition.

DirectMed’s physical therapists, provide treatment to patients of all ages to increase and improve mobility, strength, coordination and balance. Our therapists work with families and communities to ensure that the patient is rehabilitated quicker and relatively painlessly.

Our Occupational Therapists, work with patients and their families to minimize physical, mental, emotional or developmental impairments. They do this through helping them perform tasks of daily living, and by assisting them to develop self-help and homemaking skills.

Speech Language Therapists, provide treatment for physical and cognitive disorders that cause difficulty with communication and swallowing. We help patients improve their language and speech skills to help them communicate better. All of our speech therapists work one-on-one with patients to ensure that each person has a personalized, enjoyable and empowering experience.

For more information on our therapy services, do contact us at
312-642-5500 or click here.
